Friday, February 24, 2012

In addition, the immune system influence the development

Older and very young people may be more susceptible

life-threatening disease and those already suffering from a >> << a weakened immune system. Unfortunately, no one is studying the issue on the spot, so

additional diseases may simply merge with the background of "normal"

health problems in Northeast Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. Infections and cancer is not just the problem. PCBs can also

speed autoimmune disease in which immune system

man turns inward and attacks its own body tissues. (See

autoimmune below) In addition, the immune system influence the development >> << many other systems. The human body is an interconnected network of interdependent systems >>. << Immune system include: bone marrow (in the hollow center of bones

), thymus (located behind the breastbone above the heart

), adenoids, tonsils, spleen (located in the upper left corner of the abdomen

), lymph nodes (lymphatic vessels with >> << concentration in the neck, armpits, abdomen and groin), patches Peyyera (in the gut

), and application. All blood cells of stem cells

live mainly in the bone marrow through a process called hematopoiesis.

Stem cells produce hemotsitoblastov which differ in >> << precursors for all different types of blood cells --- erythrocytes (red blood cells

), platelets (platelets) and leucocytes ( white blood cells


Leukocytes are work horses of the immune system. Leukocytes

turn are divided into granulocytes (containing large granules in the cytoplasm

) and ahranulotsity (without granules). Granulocytes consist of neutrophils

(55-70%), eosinophils (1-3%) and basophils (0. 5-1. 0%). Ahranulotsity is

lymphocytes (consisting of lymphocytes and T cells) and monocytes. Lymphocytes circulate in the blood and lymphatic

, system, and make their home in lymphoid organs. During development of the child in the womb, thymus

handles many child lymphocytes that migrate throughout the body >> << blood, seeding lymph nodes and other lymphatic tissue. Basic cell for processing are the T-cells. T-lymphocytes govern cellular immunity

means they help cells recognize and destroy invading bacteria, viruses

abnormal cell neoplasms such as cancer, and foreign tissues. If

thymus does not develop or removed in the early life of the fetus, the immune system

can not develop fully. As a rule, until the baby a few months

old, the immune system already formed so as to function throughout life >>. << However, further growth and development of lymphoid tissue remains

depends on intervention by the thymic cells. After the initial seeding process >> <<, thymus gland secretes a hormone that stimulates further growth

lymphoidal tissue. (Please visit website to learn more about the amazing complexity of the immune system


PCBs has been shown to influence thymic function. >> << Persons with reduced thymus gland is prone to get sick often. Infection

become more common and often is chronic and prolonged. Allergy

will be more likely. Other symptoms include swollen glands, depression,

extreme sweating, swelling of the throat. Factors that affect the immune >> << disorders that may affect PCB:

overproductive adrenal glands will produce too much cortisol

and cause thymic and lymphoid tissue to shrink and cause thyroid

thymus. (In many cases after surgery for organ transplants, glucocorticoids

introduced to suppress the immune response, so that our bodies will not be able to recognize the

and refuse foreign tissue).

Enough of growth hormones necessary for the development and function

thymus. Improperly functioning pituitary thus

alter thymic function. Also overactive pituitary gland release too much ACTH

causes oversecretion of cortisol and reduce thymus tissue. PCBs may cause Autoimunnist? The studies included here show that PCBs can be a factor >> << In some autoimmune diseases in PCB exposed people by raising awareness

or other negative immune accessories. About 50 million Americans, 20 percent of the population >> << or one in five people suffer from autoimmune diseases. Women

more likely than men to be affected. It is estimated that 75 percent of the

victims - about 37. 5000000 people - a woman. PCB effects

widespread in the U.S. and even background levels of PCBs have been found

affect the immune system. PCBs may be significantly >> << contribution in this autoimmune and widespread suffering? In organ specific disorders, autoimmune process is

directed mainly to one organ. Examples include

asthma (respiratory system

) Hashimoto's thyroiditis (thyroid gland)

pernicious anemia (stomach), Addison's disease

(adrenal glands) and


(pancreas gland). In non-organ-specific disorders, autoimmune activity is widely spread

throughout the body. Examples include allergies

rheumatoid arthritis

systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus), dermatomyositis

fibromyalgia, and chronic

syndrome fatigue. The immune system normally can distinguish "self" from

"not-I". However, some lymphocytes are able to respond to yourself

by an autoimmune reaction. However, these lymphocytes are usually

suppressed. Autoimmune diseases occur when there is interruption

normal management process, allowing lymphocytes to avoid suppression or

, when there are changes in some tissues, so it is not recognized

. "I", thus attack. The exact mechanisms that cause these changes are not fully understood

, but bacteria, viruses, toxins

(such as PCB?)

And some drugs may play a role in the launch of autoimmune process in

, someone who already has a genetic (inherited) tendency to develop such disorders

He suggested that the inflammation initiated by these agents

toxic or infectious, somehow provokes in the body "sensitivity" (autoimmune reaction

) in the involved tissues. The relationship between hormones and autoimmune

was to conclude with the expression of many autoimmune diseases, and >> << severity of symptoms appears to be related to changes in hormone levels. For example, << >> estradiol (estrogen) is ovaries and effects of nerve cells << >> bones, muscles and other endocrine glands, and metabolism in general. Hormones often secure communication between different systems. For example, << >> estrogen can alter the immune function of cells and also affect the production >> << regulatory factors of immune cells and tissues. PCB << >> hormone mimicry. PCBs may be involved in these processes? Text links --- All the information posted above (except << >> part of the PCB) were found in the web pages listed in lasix 150 mg the section. . << >>

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